BEST Cities: BBZ & Equity Institute RFA Now Closed

BEST Cities
Advancing Birth Equity Strategies Together

 ***Request for 2019 Applications is Now Closed***

***The deadline for submitting applications has passed.  Teams will be announced June 21, 2019.***  

Questions? Please E-mail:

Denise Peach, Director of Programs, at and Jessica Ehule, Senior Coordinator, at 


Click “Play” to listen to the BEST Cities RFA Informational Call held on May 7



APPLICANT TIMELINE for both BBZ and Institute for Equity in Birth Outcomes: 


Best Babies Zones (BBZ) Initiative

Selected applicants will serve as leads to promote place-based, community-driven, multi-sector strategies to address the social, structural, and economic determinants of inequities in birth outcomes and promote health equity. 

The BBZ approach is a practical application of the Life Course Perspective. The Life Course Perspective proposes that disproportionate exposure to risk factors at sensitive periods of development and throughout a lifetime may increase the risk for poor birth outcomes from one generation to the next. The BBZ approach applies this to practice by addressing resident-identified risk factors and supporting resident-identified protective factors in a small geographic zone. This is accomplished by fostering cross-sector community collaboration and actions in education, economic development, community services, and health systems. Approaches will be evaluated, with results and impact of local strategies broadly disseminated.  

CLICK HERE to Download Application

Institute for Equity in Birth Outcomes

Teams will gain the opportunity to be a part of this high-visibility, national movement of urban communities instilling a data-driven focus on public health strategies to reduce inequities in birth outcomes. A major focus for this cohort will be on authentic community engagement and engaging in racial healing activities.

The Institute for Equity in Birth Outcomes is a 3-year collaborative of local public health departments (LHDs), multi-sector partners, and community residents that determine, implement and evaluate upstream and downstream initiatives to improve birth outcomes in populations where disparities exist within their health department jurisdictions, and improve the evidence-base needed to eliminate disparities in birth outcomes. Approaches will be thoroughly evaluated, with results and impact of local initiatives broadly disseminated.

CLICK HERE to Download Application