We are pleased to share with you a new resource on public health and abortion: Envisioning a 21st Century Public Health Approach to Abortion, a menu of activities and action steps for health departments to consider related to abortion.
The content was developed over a two-day convening of seven state and nine local public health departments and ten partner organizations from all regions of the country (including CityMatCH) – hosted by UCSF’s Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) program.
Together, participants developed a list of activities related to abortion that are appropriate for health departments and action steps for translating the menu of activities into practice.
The final set of activities is categorized by the 10 Essential Public Health Services, an established framework for how health departments can engage on public health topics.
We hope you find this menu useful in planning and carrying out public health services related to abortion.
If you have questions regarding this new resource, please do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Sarah Roberts at sarah.roberts@ucsf.edu.