
Abstract, Workshop, Facilitated Discussion, & Symposium Submissions

Submission period has closed - all main contacts for proposals have been notified of decisions.

The call for submissions for the 2024 Conference has ended. We are in the process of reviewing and scoring all proposals.
Determinations will be made around the end of April/early May and notifications will be sent out in the first weeks of May.

Submission Awards 

We are awarding poster submissions this year! The categories are as followed:

  • The Outstanding Poster Award: Program/Policy
  • The Outstanding Poster Award: Scientific Research/Data
  • The Innovation Award: Program/Policy
  • The Innovation Award: Scientific Research/Data
  • Exemplary Student Researcher 

More information can be found here!

Please read the submission description documents carefully. The documents explain the different options and acceptance criteria.

Unsure which submission type is best for you? Click here to view a quick comparison of the four options.

All submissions are scored based on acceptance criteria. Proposals are reviewed on the strength of the following items:

      • Applicability and importance of the topic area for conference attendees
      • Qualifications of presenters
      • Completeness and quality of session agenda and content

Directions to Send Your Poster(s) to Conference: 

2024 Poster Instructions

Hyatt Regency Shipping Instructions

Suggested Topics

We welcome and encourage submissions on a variety of topics as they relate to maternal and child health, including but not limited to:

*Image description: A list of example topics that can be submitted, including but not limited to data, policy, equity, and intersectionality.

Join us for the 2024 CityMatCH Leadership and Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference in Seattle, WA.