What is the Ask-a-Colleague service?
To build capacity and improve peer-to-peer support among CityMatCH members, the organization maintains an online membership network — the Ask-A-Colleague Service (or AAC). As a member, you may access the AAC service to quickly and efficiently query your colleagues around the country on your MCH program, policy, practice and data use concerns.
How Do I Use This Service?
The Ask-A-Colleague Process is a CityMatCH member benefit. If you have a CityMatCH account, your contact information will be pre-filled after logging in. However, if you do not have an account yet, you can still use this service by completing all required information below.
What Happens Next?
Once the query is submitted successfully, CityMatCH member representatives will be alerted via E-mail and given an individualized link to participate. After responses have been submitted from member representatives, the author will be notified and view the responses. For more information, contact Mark Law, at (402) 552-9500 or via E-mail at mlaw@unmc.edu